A one-champ Rammus player climbs to Challenger in 200ms ping condition.

Only by spamming Rammus with a 200ms ping, Lord Semi successfully reached Challenger in the EUW server.

Recently, Lord Semi successfully spammed Rammus to climb to Challenger in the EUW server. The special point here is that he played in a poor connection condition, with a 200ms ping. The reason is that he is living in… Brazil.

The community is getting crazy about this news. Everyone is surprised by his achievement and passion in such a boring Champion like Rammus.

His decision with Rammus is reasonable. Due to a 200ms ping, his action will have a 2 seconds delay, as the result, he chose to play Rammus because this Champion is quite easy to control despite the delay.

Moreover, recently, with 200ms, he even outplayed RNG Gala. It is really funny that Kog’maw killed himself just by attacking Rammus.

After all of this, what we all respect in Lord Semi is not only his passion and patient, but also his chill attitude during every fight, we can see he is relaxing while streaming. Sometimes, players just forget that video games are just a method of entertaining.