Orianna bug causes her to be prioritized by turrets

The latest victim of the game bugs is Orianna.

As a matter of basic fact, turrets will always give priority to attacking minions over champions. You are only targeted by enemy turrets among creeps if you damage enemy champions in any way. This mechanism is created in order to allow the player to deal maximum damage on turrets and save a lot of health.

However, this was no longer true for Orianna. One player with a Reddit account “u/GranatMasken” shared an extraordinary error that caused Orianna to always be selected as a target, even when there were minions around.

According to GranatMasken, this bug occurs when Orianna cast Teleport on a minion in mid lane. Until she pushed the wave toward the enemy turret, this turret on the red team always chose Orianna as the target when she entered its range. Thus, this is a serious interaction bug since your champion will have to lose too much health to attack turrets.

For a controlling mage champion like Orianna, Teleport is extremely important to control the stance of mid lane. Besides, this complementary spell enables gamers to farm effectively as well as arrive at combats as soon as possible. However, with the above error, Orianna players will no longer prioritize using Teleport since no one wanted to unjustly lose that much health trying to attack a turret, which unintentionally limited Orianna’s laning ability. Hopefully, Riot Games will find a way to fix this as soon as possible.