Ornn tip that helps you get Bramble Vest from level 1

You can now have an easier start against Bruiser matchups with Ornn.

In the recent stream of former LCK caster – Nick “LS” De Cesare, he shared a very interesting tip that can allow Ornn players to take advantage and dominate the top lane right from the first level.

Since Ornn‘s debut, The Fire Below The Mountain proves himself to be a successful champion and has a significant influence in the top lane with his special abilities. In addition, not only being a good tanker, but also his abilities to self-forging and upgrade teammates’ items proved to be a huge success in both character design and gameplay.

With the current meta where Bruisers are making a strong comeback in the top lane for the recent patches with the release of the new Mythic items, Ornn is slowly losing his position in the top lane and often loses the laning phase while facing other stronger bruisers such as Renekton, Camille or Gnar.

However, LS provided players a very interesting Ornn’s tip on his stream to have an early advantage in the game. This tip will base on the use of a special Rune along with a starter item that is completely different from what other Ornn players normally do, which is the Future’s Market from the Inspiration Rune Page.

With this Rune point, you can create debts to buy items that will make you have negative gold in exchange. However, this is not a big deal when you can get early kills and start snowballing by this playstyle.

Buy Cloth Armor as the first starter item and try to farm all 6 minions at the first wave. Right after that, you can always get yourself the Bramble Vest with the assist of Future Market points together with Ornn’s Passive. With such an early acquisition of Bramble Vest, Ornn would be able to comfortably prevail and dominate the top lane against champions that revolve around healing or depend on Conqueror such as Aatrox, Renekton or Gnar.