Patch 10.25 Buffs and Nerfs: Yasuo, Yone, and Lee Sin are getting some love

These changes of patch 10.25 are, however, not yet official.

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Changes are coming to League of Legends.

Earlier, Mark “Scruffy” Yetter outlined changes on items and items in Patch 10.25 of League of Legends, including buffs for 20 champions and nerfs for the ones that have been ruling the meta lately. The details are not yet announced and aren’t official yet, but buffs for currently under-performing champions, especially for Yasuo and Yone after Gunisoo interaction change in Patch 10.24 and Lee Sin for his bad current state is definitely something worth looking forward to.


Lee Sin is by far one of the most successful champions in League of Legends, however, this year’s Preseason item overhaul hasn’t been helping him much. Without the ability to clear camps and tank as good as his Bami’s Cinder counterpart nor good early pressure as meta-picks like Kayn or Amumu, Lee Sin has been quite struggling lately. Little early pressure, slow clears, and bad late game, the Blind Monk definitely need some love at the moment.

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By changing their passive in Patch 10.23, Riot hopes they can help both Yone and Yasuo transition well into the new meta. Their passive will additionally provide them extra damage for each critical percentage that surpassed 100 percent. However, this change is not as good as they expected as they showed that they haven’t been optimally gaining advantages from this. Buffs for crit items in Patch 10.25 will not only helps crit-ADCs but are expected to help Yasuo and Yone to overcome their current bad situation as well.

Let’s get some buffs, brother!

Additionally, these champions, including many junglers are set to receive some love from Riot in the next patch Warwick, Wukong jungle, Rengar jungle, Karthus, Nidalee, Gragas, and Ivern. Anivia, Pantheon top, Talon, Lulu, Taliyah, Twitch, Mordekaiser, Qiyana, Nasus, and Seraphine mid should also receive improvements.


Besides under-performing champions, however, there are some that have been synergizing with the new preseason items supper effectively in the current patches. These champions are tweaked to receive nerf in the upcoming Patch 10.25 as well.

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Kayn, Fizz, and Kayle are having absolute high win rates in the solo queue due to their ability to synergize their kits so well with new item changes. Kayn, for example, is taking so much advantage from building Lethality items like Duskblade of Dartharr to gain Invisibility for his Assasin form or Eclipse for his Darkin form. Building Bruiser items like Goredrinker is also viable since they help him to become some kind of unkillable monster in long combats.

Kayn is having an impressive win rate of 54.09 percent, while Fizz scored an outstanding number of 63.08 percent in the mid lane and Kayle with 54.05 percent in the top lane. Patch 10.25 nerfs are also aimed at good picks like Morgana mid, Galio and Annie. On the other hand, Samira and Jhin are set to receive nerfs as they are dominating the bot lane right now.

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Samira has been considered as having an “overloaded kit” since her introduction while Jhin is currently synergizing too well with Eclipse and full Lethality building. Bot lane, from the Preseason, ever since, has been a solo playground for those two. Patch 10.25 will somewhat trying to bring back Crit-ADCs and of course, nerfing Jhin and Samira will give these ADCs some fresh air to breath in.

League patch 10.25 is set to go live in Dec.9, while the details changes are expected to be released this week. What do you think about these changes? Is there any other champions that is currently too good or too bad? Leave a comment and let us know!