Patch 10.25: Items Will Be Recommended By High-Level Players

The next change that is aiming to the Store to make all the items recommended by great players all over the world in Patch 10.25.

Since Preseason 2021 showed up, League of Legends’ players have had quite a lot of troubles with all the changes made to Items, including Mythic. Besides, the visual clarity of the Shop is unclear in combination with the bright color mixture makes it much more difficult for colorblind people.

After revamping the color of all the icon in Patch 10.24, Riot is aiming to utilize the Recommend Section inside the Shop. At the moment, the Recommend Section is not really that useful and even sometimes it gives out incorrect answers.

Recently, Riot Mark “Scruffy” Yetter Lead Gameplay Designer posted that there would be an incoming change for the Recommend Section. In Patch 10.25, Riot will gather all the data from high ELO players all around the world to give out appropriate recommendations.

“Something else coming in Patch 10.25 is that we’re enabling the high-level player data to fuel the new Recommended Items tab. These still aren’t 100% optimal, but should represent the current trends for what high-level players are considering viable choices on each champion.”

Instead of having to search for yourself what all the pro players are doing, Riot will now be giving the best build in that specific scenario based on their database in Patch 10.25. This will really benefit new players who don’t have enough experience and let them be more focused on mastering their champions and perfecting their playstyle. On the other hand, lots of people think that Riot should only implement items build from the Master and above tier.

Patch 10.25 will be the last update in 2020. Riot will have lots of things to do before the Shop and Items can be fully polished.