Brand can proc Luden’s Tempest 3 times in 1 basic combo in patch 11.21

Patch 11.21 is coming to League with even more buffs and nerfs and apart from many marksmen are being aimed at, one specific system buffs that Riot slightly changes has bring massive benefits to a typical type of champions, in this case, is Brand.

Brand with Ingenious Hunter in patch 11.21

In the upcoming patch, Ingenious Hunter will be receiving a buff, such as:

After the patch was announced, League community immediately discovered a new technique to exploit this rune with Brand, given that one of the things Brand players must consider the most in the Support role is dealing as much damage as possible.

Specifically, a Reddit user has pointed out that with the Ingenious Hunter buff, Brand will be able to proc Luden’s Tempest 3 times with his most basic combo, which consists of all of his basic skills.

In order to correctly proc 3 times, of course you still need some essential parts. You will need a fully stacked Ingenious Hunter rune (50 item haste) along with the Cosmic Insight rune (10 item haste), 60 in total for the Luden’s cd be as little as possible.

And, to perfectly proc it 3 times with his basic combo (E Q W), you must not cast your combo too fast. You may press E-Q practically instantly, but you must wait for 0.75-1s with W (Q stun last 1.5s anyhow) or else Luden’s passive will only proc twice…

Eventually, with the right runes and perfect-timed combo, Brand may soon proc Luden’s passive three times (=300 damage+30% AP) with every basic combo he does. This has the potential to outdamage Liandry’s passive against certain (squishy) enemies because you can deliver an additional 360 damage with two items (200 AP) in one combo.

Image via Riot Games

League Patch 11.21 is expected to arrive on the live server on October 20, soon players can start using Brand to obliterate  the enemies.