League Patch 11.7 Preview: Udyr and Hecarim are on the nerf list, incoming buff for Yasuo

The jungle meta is expected to see some huge change with the release of League Patch 11.7 in the next two weeks.

Image via Riot Games

Mark “Scruffy” Yetter – Director of gameplay design of League of Legends detailed the upcoming changes for League Patch 11.7 on his Twitter earlier today.

Seventeen champions will receive adjustments in the upcoming patch, with the strong attention from Riot Games to bring changes to the current Jungle meta. Udyr will receive a base attack damage nerf, while the bonus movement speed from Hecarim’s E will be reduced from 75 percent to 65 percent.

The nerf on the bonus movement speed from Turbo Chemtank in League Patch 11.7 can make these two champions fall out further from the meta since both of them have benefited greatly from this item for the previous patches.

Not only jungle is targeted, but many of the Support champions that have been ruling the meta are also expected to receive nerfs on the upcoming patch as well. As Thresh, Alistar and Rell have all been dominating for a while, they will be turned down a bit in the next patch. Alistar, for example, will get both his E and Q damage decreased at all levels.

League Patch 11.7 will also bring good news to some of the champions. Kindred and Amumu will receive some love in favor of Junglers, while for ADCs Ashe and Varus are getting back some of their power.

The most important buff in the next patch might be for Yasuo, his base damage will be increased from 2.2 to 3 per level, equal to 36% more damage per level, which can be considered as an overwhelming gift for one of the most popular champions of the game.

While playing a major role in solo queue matches, Yasuo’s presence in professional matches has dramatically dropped to 2.5 percent this year/ Perhaps more buffs like this is what this champion needed to show up in the meta that has long been dominated by Orianna, Syndra or Azir for almost half the season.

According to the official patch schedule, League Patch 11.7 will hit the Rift on March 31.