Patch 11.8 Preview plans to make huge adjustments to Moonstone Renewer, Staff of Flowing Water, and Shurelia’s Battlesong

Enchanters items will be one of the main focus of this patch as announced in the Patch 11.8 Preview.

Image via Riot Games

There are only a few items that will be updated in the new League of Legends Patch 11.8 Preview in terms of nerfs and buffs. Some enchanter items are being “broadened,” while three other items gain or lose strength.

Titanic Hydra and Ionian Boots of Lucidity, for example, would also be nerfed in the Patch 11.8 Preview. According to the League of Graphs, the Hydra has a global popularity rate of 1.9 percent with a win rate of 57.9 percent, while Lucidity Boots is the most common boot option with a popularity rate of 23.3 percent.

Additionally, Frozen Heart is the only buff in the next patch, remaining at the bottom of the list with one of the lowest global popularity ratings of League pieces at 0.7 percent. It is, however, one of the most gold efficient items, with an item efficiency of 99.75 percent.

Four main healing items, on the other side, are seeing major changes in the Patch11.8 Preview. Power will be changed for Moonstone Renewer, Staff of Flowing Water, Shurelia’s Battlesong, and Hextech Rocketbelt.

The Moonstone and Staff synergy has been one of the best in the game, particularly when paired with a solid support champion like Seraphine or Lulu—both of these champions have frequently been used in solo queue and in pro play with great results, with the former having a 56.3 percent win rate and the latter having a 51.2 percent win rate, according to Blitz.GG.

The detailed Patch changes will be dropped later this week, so stay tune!