Patch 12.14 preview: long awaited return of Pantheon jungle, Seraphine nerf, further essential healing adjustments

Patch preview tweeted July 19 by Riot Phroxzon

Riot Games

Triumphant return of Pantheon jungle and much needed Seraphine nerf

According to PBE changes, Pantheon’s Q monster damage is going from 70% to 120% giving him the clear boost required of an effective jungler once again

The champion currently sits at measly 45.56% winrate with a 1.3% pick rate at Platinum+ according to, mostly played as a support. Hopefully this buff will give him some spotlight again.

Seraphine on the other hand has enjoyed a whopping 54.14% winrate as botlaner, and a nerf was long overdue.

Massive TP, potions, runes and objective changes are also coming in Patch 12.14, and most likely will determine World’s meta. TL;DR: Get fucked, top lane!

Riot Games

We’ll keep you updated as more details of Patch 12.14 comes up!