How has Patch 12.23 resurrect Zeri in both pro and solo queue plays?

From an extremely low win rate, Zeri is rising back strongly after Patch 12.23

Before patch 12.23 was released, Zeri was rated as probably the worst marksman in League of Legends. The reason comes from the fact that the champion at that time had an extremely low win rate due to many modifications to her kits, even her win rate was only at a modest 41.84%.

However, after patch 12.23 landed, her entire kit of her got modified again with the aim of making the champion somewhat stronger. Now, even though she is still not rank the highest in her role, Zeri is steadily climbing back the leaderboard. From 41.84%, The Spark of Zaun’s win rate jumped to 50.5% in just a few weeks.

The first reason why Zeri is strong comes from the fact that her basic stats are all increased. This is a very important factor to make the champion stronger at the beginning of the match. She is no longer in a losing situation as easily as she used to be.

Image via Riot Games

In patch 12.23, Riot Games increases a range of stats from base damage, movement speed, resistance to her full set of skills. This makes her ability to increase the power according to the item threshold much stronger than before.

Image via Riot Games

As a result, in the tournaments preceding the 2023 season, Zeri swiftly established herself as a champion trusted by many teams. Typically, in the past Demacia Cup tournament, Zeri and Yuumi were always picked by the teams relatively early as a type of “power pick”. The champion has been totally “resurrected” as a result of patch 12.23.

Image via Riot Games

The Spark of Zaun has returned to the strong marksman group in League of Legends thanks to Riot’s all-out power-up at patch 12.23.