Patch 12.20 notes: All expected champions, system changes, and more

Before the huge changes to items, the jungle, and the return of the Chemtech Drake hit live servers in League of Legends preseason 2023, Riot is introducing a few modifications for outliers in the meta in Patch 12.20.

Riot Phroxzon, lead designer on League’s balance team, has revealed further information about the champion and item changes that were hinted at yesterday in Patch 12.20 Preview. The forthcoming patch 12.20 will attempt to address various issues while also introducing balancing tweaks to select champions in the game.

All of these details are provisional and may not be included in the final patch version. Riot Games will initially test them in the PBE server before releasing the final update later next week.

League Patch 12.20 notes

Champion buffs

Image via Riot Games


Wukong (Top)





Champion nerfs

Image via Riot Games




Champion adjustments

Image via Riot Games


Blitzcrank (Support vs Jungle)

System buffs

Mortal Reminder

Sterak’s Gage

System Nerfs

Lethal Tempo

Capstone Bonus AA Range: 50/75 (melee/ranged) >>> 50 for all

Frozen Heart

System Adjustments

Demonic Embrace

League of Legends patch 12.20 will be released next week, on October 19, and will be one of the final patch releases before the game’s preseason officially begins.