Patch 13.1 Preview (updated): More champions Buffs and Nerfs, Jak’Sho adjustments, and more

A new year brings a new League of Legends season, along with a slew of adjustments designed to make the switch from preseason to the first patch of season 2023.

Riot Phlox, a designer on League’s Summoner’s Rift team, has finally provided fans with the Patch 13.1 preview, which includes a handful of changes to many of the game’s systems, such as buffs and nerfs to champions that have either gone down or jumped to the front of the meta, as well as fresh start into an old favorite.

Besides the already confirmed changes a few days ago, here are the full modifications expected for patch 13.1

Patch 13.1 Preview

Champion buffs

Shaco (AD)




Champion nerfs


Dr. Mundo







Champion adjustments

Jax (mid-scope updates)

Systems buffs

Axiom Arc

Horizon Focus

Rod of Ages

Winter’s Approach

System nerfs

Legend Tenacity

System adjustments

Jak’Sho, The Protean

Seraph’s Embrace

Jayce and Lissandra are among the champions who will benefit from a small number of buffs in the first patch of the year. Though not being too popular champions in pro play, both of them have lost priority as a result of preseason item modifications.

Image via Riot Games

Aside from the buffs, champions like Fiora, K’Sante, Yuumi, Zeri are all receiving nerfs in the upcoming patch. After their total dominance of appearance rate in the recent Demacia Cup, Riot has noticed their influence on both competitive and solo queue plays and will soon adjust all of these champions’ power, along with others like Aatrox, Dr. Mundo, Mordekaiser, and Rammus.

Images via Riot Games

Horizon Focus and the new Mythic item Rod of Ages are being buffed to exploit tensions between tanks and ap items, though no specifics have been released.

Other items getting buffs include Axiom Arc and Winter’s Approach, while Jak’Sho, The Protean is getting some tweaks. This item in particular has enabled multiple fighter champions to thrive, with Phlox stating that improvements are aimed at making the item less valued on this class.

Image via Riot Games

More details on this patch preview will be revealed tomorrow, and the updates themselves will be accessible on League’s PBE this week. This patch is set to go live on January 10, in conjunction with the start of the new ranked season.