League of Legends Patch 13.13 Preview: Lee Sin and Nidalee Buffs, Neeko, Wukong Nerfs, and more

Riot Games is putting the brakes on League of Legends Patch 13.13—just a little—as the company prepares for a longer three-week cycle.

Riot Games is finally letting the meta settle with the game’s forthcoming release, Patch 13.13, with all competitive League of Legends seasons back in full force across the world.

Lead designer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison revealed some upcoming changes to a few champions and items today, but emphasised that the next patch will be all about stabilisation, lasting about three weeks to see how certain champions fit into the meta game.

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League of Legends Patch 13.13 Preview

Champions buffs

Champions nerfs

Champion adjustments


Image via Riot Games

The jungle meta in League has barely moved little since the huge item update that preceded Patch 13.10 in May. In the case of Nidalee and Lee Sin, their pick and win rates have not changed significantly as we approach the next patch, but Riot is expected to buff them to bring them up to pace with more aggressive jungle selections.

This time around, a slew of different champions are getting nerfed, including important priority picks in both pro play and solo queue, like as Aphelios, Neeko, Vi, Annie, and Wukong. Before this lengthy patch session, Ivern, Kindred, Rek’Sai, and AP Varus will all be nerfed.

Image via Riot Games

Aside from champions, Essence Reaver and Stormrazor will be changed. The interactions with Duskblade for Samira and Katarina are also being modified. Stormrazor has become a must-buy for practically every ADC as their first purchase, resulting in a pleasant reprieve from the Mythic rush but demonstrating how strong the item is with the new adjustments to its stats and impact.

According to League patch schedule, patch 13.13 is set to be released on June 28.