Patch 13.6: Riot has changed League of Legends Ranked LP (again)

League of Legends Patch 13.6 has seen ranked LP changes yet again

Patch 13.6 has arrived, bringing with it several adjustments, including Milio, the Gentle Flame.  As we near the end of split 1 of the rank system, we’ve seen quite a few changes this season. The season now has two splits, with every player having the opportunity to achieve the Victorious Skins at the conclusion of each split.

Image via Riot Games

Riot has been tweaking the LP gain and loss percentage as there are more splits with a gentle reset in the middle. This was done to enable players to climb quicker in a reduced split time, allowing everyone to climb faster.

With that said, more adjustments to LP have arrived on the live servers as Riot focuses more on it in Patch 13.6.

Rank LP changes in League of Legends patch 13.6

Image via Riot Games

“We’re generally happy with how the LP gain changes have been going, but we have some small follow up tweaks to make the experience even more smooth.”

According to their patch 13.6 notes, Riot is pleased with the general LP advances, but some of them needed to be changed. Here are the changes to the competitive LP:

Image via Riot Games

This means that LP win and loss will be easier and slightly higher depending on your MMR. Extremes are improving, which means that higher ELOs will have a better experience and MMR differences will feel less severe. Hopefully, this improves user experience and allows everyone to climd their ranks and receive all of the available rewards.