Another Patch 14.2 hotfix changes for Brand, Teemo, and Rumble

Riot Games recently implemented a hotfix patch 14.2 in League of Legends, which introduced adjustments to several champions, including Teemo, Rumble, and Brand.

This update follows on the heels of Patch 14.1, a release that marked the first major patch of the year. However, despite its significance, Patch 14.1 notably lacked substantial alterations to champion balance, with the exception of Hwei, who received a much-needed buff.

As the dust settles with Patch 14.2, the meta appears to be stabilizing, albeit with certain AP champions suffering significant setbacks due to the recent nerfs. Recognizing the need for swift intervention, Riot Games has opted to address some through a targeted hotfix.

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League of Legends Patch 14.2 hotfix




Among those impacted by the Stormsurge changes, Teemo stands out as one of the most affected champions. Despite the adjustments to Stormsurge, Teemo has struggled to reclaim his former prowess, prompting Riot to implement buffs aimed at restoring his viability in gameplay.

Image via Riot Games

Similarly, Rumble, whose core itemization revolves around Stormsurge, found himself grappling with the repercussions of these changes. With the latest buffs, Rumble players can anticipate reliability and effectiveness.

Conversely, Brand’s ascent in the jungle meta, fueled by his remarkable clear speed and augmented by the introduction of new items, has rendered him a formidable force in League of Legends.

Image via Riot Games

Unfazed by the Stormsurge nerfs, Brand has emerged unscathed, evolving into one of the premier junglers in the game. Consequently, Riot has deemed it necessary to rein in his burgeoning power through targeted nerfs in the hotfix.