PBE is experimenting massive buffs for Katarina, Urgot, and Warwick

Will these PBE changes become reasonable?

Next League patch can include massive buffs for Katarina, Warwick and Urgot.

Riot is testing a number of preliminary changes on its PBE server. The changes are aiming at Conqueror interactions and on-hit effects, these changes will have Katarina’s R, Urgot’s W, and Warwick’s R damage counted as separate hits in different instances.

This also opens up a number variety of builds for Urgot, as his W can now trigger Runes such as Electrocute or Phase Rush off its three attacks. As he has already able to stack up Conqueror with this ability, he can now open more build paths to items such as Eclipse, Ravenous Hydra, or even Manamune if the changes hit the Rift in the next League Patch.

While the PBE changes are still on experimenting, the real question should be: Are these champions are the one in need for a buff?

According to stats from op.gg Katarina is having a 52% win rate in the mid lane, Urgot has a 50% win rate in the top and a 51% win rate belongs to Warwick jungle from the solo queue.

These changes could give Urgot more place to shine in the top lane with new builds, however, for Katarina and Warwick, this buff can be the final straw that breaks the camel’s back. However, all three champions haven’t made any appearance in the competitive matches this season yet, this PBE buff could soon turn the table around.

These changes are still tentative and won’t hit the live server any soon.

The upcoming patch, League Patch 11.6 is scheduled to hit the Rift on 17th Match.