How to Play Garen Competently – Is It Easy as You Thought?

Knowing how to play and playing it competently are two different things, today we will give you 5 tips that can improve your performance when play Garen – The Might of Demacia.

Surely, most of the players learned by heart every build of Garen, also how to play and counter of this Champion. However, there is not many player can play competently this Champion. Do not worry! We will show you 5 tips from veteran players, which can help both newbies and even veterans.

Endure with Ranged Champions

Every players do not want to use melee Champions against Ranged Champions on Top Lane. Ranged Champions like Quinn, Teemo, Vayne,… will be great obstacles for most of players while Laning Phase.

Garen is the Champion that can easily be overcame by Ranged Enemies above. However, his Skills give him the ability to deal with these figths.

You should take advantage of his Passive – Perseverance by ignore some CS and stay away from your enemy’s range in order to heal. Although there will be some minor lack of Gold and Experience in early game, you will not lose your position and Lane.

Reset Your Auto-Attack

Garen’s skills are simple, but the wonderful thing of Garen is the ability to reset your Basic Attack timer. With Q – Decisive Strike, it is really easy for every player (even newbie) to learn how to reset auto attack basically.

In order to learn this skill, you just wait for your basic attack hit enemy Champion. As soon as that basic attack end, press Q and then you can perform another basic attack without wait for the time between 2 attacks. This will maximize the damage you can deal in a short time, give you more advantages in Trading or just Last-hit.

All-in Garen Tips

All-in is that you use everything you got in order to kill enemy. When all-in you must use most to all of your available abilities and your summoner spells to get a kill. This decision is very risky because if you fail, the enemy would come back at you and slain you instead.

Garen’s skillset is designed for all-in purpose. He has mobility and ability to Silence enemy from Q – Decisive Strike, allow him to approach and also prevent enemy from escaping. His E – Judgement can deals damage consistently, and then finish the enemy with his ultimate R – Demacia Justice.

When play Garen, you must assess the situation and ask yourself: “Should I all-in? When to all-in? How to get back?” before deciding to all-in or not. If you lane against a ranged champion, your can either choose to farm safe or all-in before they poke you to death.


Learn to buy items for Garen depend on situation and enemy. This is very important not only for Garen but also for all Champions. Garen players usually buy only one Damage item before Tank item. The most popular Damage item is Black Cleaver. However, if you can overcome your enemy, you should buy Trinity Force to create a large space.

Example build guides

About Tank items, you must choose wisely depending on your enemy. Besides, Mercury’s Treads is recommended for Gagen in order to deal with CC, it helps you reduce the durations of debuff. But if enemy can deal high damage, we recommend you choose Ninja Tabi instead.

Know When to Open a Combat

If you have played Garen long enough, you will know Garen prefer small combat than team fight or front-to-back combat. The reason is Garen can deal huge damage on a single target, it is very easy for Garen if there is only one enemy. In contrast, in team fight or larger combat, Garen will be tanker and take in tons of damage and it is really hard for him to touch to enemy’s ADC or APC.

Playing Garen will provide you more advantages in small combat. However, of course, if your team want a team fight combat, you are still helpful but you need to change your plan in order to win.