Toxic players explained why LoL Honor System Rewards are so ‘garbage’

Players have complained that the League of Legends Honour system does not effectively promote good behavior enough

Riot Games has frequently sought to address League of Legends’ longtime reputation for toxicity, and the honor system, which elevates or demotes players based on data from their teammates, has been a fundamental aspect of their effort.

They’ve changed the honour system multiple times, rewarding players who keep their temp with free rewards, but for others, there’s still not enough to stop being toxic.

Toxic players blamed League’s Honor system rewards

One player lambasted the system for not sufficiently motivating players to be less toxic in a recent post on the League of Legends subreddit, claiming that attaining higher levels of the honour rankings doesn’t provide adequate rewards.

One player mentioned that they reached the final checkpoint in level 4 honour and that it’s so not worth it to be a “honourable player” that they may as well simply tell everyone they’re trash and not be penalised for it. He was then rewarded with two key fragments and 150 Blue Essence.

He said, “I genuinely feel like more people will stop being toxic if the rewards weren’t so bad, but like who cares about 2 key fragments and 150 BE.”

Another irritated player concurred, claiming that the honour tokens were not doing anything to improve player behaviour in-game. One explanation is because Riot did not include the new Malzahar skin in the Honour 5 shop.

He stated in the Reddit comments:

“I still hate that they didn’t put the Malzahar skin in the honor 5 shop. I have four honor 5 tokens, and have both the Twitch and Warwick skin, have been honor 5 since release and the one season I wasn’t able to play enough and only reached Honor 4 + 3Checkpoints they decided to finally release a new skin and didn’t even add it to the honor 5 token shop.”

Image via Riot Games

In the past, players have suggested many ways of implementing different kinds of features in order to reduce toxicity within League of Legends. Perhaps Riot has to do some more digging in order to solve this issue once and for all.