Playstyle Building: The key to winning in League of Legends

One of the key elements to work your way up the ladder is your playstyle.

The best method to increase your chance of winning in League of Legends is to create a thorough playstyle that incorporates runes, summoner spells, items, and so on. In this article, we’ll explain how to identify and enhance the optimal playstyle in the game so you can start your journey to climb up higher rankings with your favorite champions.

League of Legends has a great variety of spells

To begin, your playstyle will be mostly determined by the items you purchase throughout the match and the order in which they are purchased. These range from basic items like Doran’s Blade to more expensive and complicated items like Bami’s Cinder or Rabadon’s Deathcap. Furthermore, summoner spells such as Flash and Heal are essential components in developing your playstyle. Some champions can utilize several sorts of runes and summoner spells for various purposes throughout matches.

Because Runes and Summoner Spells cannot be changed after starting the game (unless you use Prototype: Omnistone), finding the perfect combinations for them can dramatically increase your win rate. It is the foundation upon which you will rely to acquire the most optimal items as the game progresses and blend in perfectly with your champion.

Do some research

If you don’t choose the playstyle that gives you the highest chance of winning, you’ll be in problems right away. For example, obtaining wrong runes can make your laning phase much more difficult, which will have a significant impact on the mid and late game. Purchasing unsuitable items will also get you in hot water. For example, buy an item like Rabadon’s Deathcap that isn’t essential early on and doesn’t provide much value in the laning phase.

So, how do you determine which playstyle is best for you? There is now a multitude of websites that can teach you everything there is to know about the game, including the best champion builds. There are also several tools available to make your game experience more enjoyable. However, a clever player should not depend on them blindly; instead, he or she should conduct extensive studies and ensure that the source of that website is reliable.

Credit: Riot Games

Learn from the best

Another effective approach is to observe how the professional players use your champion. Learning from professional players is a great method to develop overall. Many new playstyles have been developed by professional players that are really effective, thus it makes sense for everyone to adopt them and build their own playstyle. Updating the playstyles of the players on a regular basis may help you improve your ranking faster.

While following a playstyle, don’t forget to look at the breakdown to see what items they purchased and when. This is useful when you’re not sure when to buy something.

Finally, make sure you have a look at the champion level-up skill order. Although most champions don’t have many distinct orders right now, some will work better in certain situations. Search for pro matches in certain circumstances to observe how the pros manage in different matchups.

Have a great variety of approaches in different situations

Janna is an example of a champion who can fit a variety of playstyles. She may use a great number of keystones, including Arcane Comet, Guardian, and Summon Aery.

Image via Riot Games

In these circumstances, you must understand the game and develop your game sense so you can come up with a plan that is suitable for the match in which you are playing. Continuing with Janna as an example. If you’re up against Leona, you might choose to go defensive and select the Guardian keystone instead of Arcane Comet, whereas Summon Aery can balance both attack and defense.

Ask yourself a few questions to figure out how to create the ideal playstyle. “What does the enemy want?”, “Are these runes appropriate?”, “Can I win with this build?” After you’ve answered those questions, you should be able to select the build that answers the most questions as the best option for that match.

It’s okay if you fail; you’ll gain experience and be able to create a better style of play in the future. So don’t be concerned about making a mistake and not being able to make the best decisions; simply remember it and try again next time!

Utilize situation items

In case you’re not aware, situational items have a significant influence on the match. Each champion has a standard approach for item build, but occasionally it is necessary to go against the norm in order to enhance your chances of winning.

Image via Riot Games

There are a lot of things that can heal all over the map in the current meta. If the adversary has a high healing ability, buy items that will assist you in eliminating them, such as equipment that generates Grievous Wounds effects. You can deal with these foes more easily using the Oblivion Orb and the Executioner’s Calling since they can’t recover as much in a fight. For example, if you want to remove the Senna and Soraka duo in the bot lane, you must have the Executioner’s Calling on them since their healing skills make them incredibly difficult to kill.

The End

Yes, it will be difficult, but once you try, you may, and you will struggle, you will eventually find builds that suit your playstyle best, and improve your rank in the game will be so much easier. What can be guaranteed is that, in the end, it will worth the wait, the treasure lies upon who dare to start their journey. Good luck and see you in Summoner’s Rift!