Top new playstyles and builds that have been dominating Korean server in League Patch 11.16 (Part 1)

The strongest builds for League Patch 11.16 are here to help you climb the ladder.

League Patch 11.16 was just released a short time ago, but Korean players have already adapted and used new and effective options to sweep the queue. Let’s have a look at what they are and why they are so strong in the current version of League of Legends.

Cassiopia Top Lane:

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Cassiopia quickly became the popular pick of Korean top laners in League Patch 11.16 when her E stats were buffed. Her lack of kiting or strong crowd control prior to level 6 does not leave her vulnerable to the Bruisers racing in from the opposite side of the line. In exchange for the lack of dashes, Cassiopia possesses the W – Miasma ability, which forces the enemy to enter a Grounded condition, which, when combined with the combo Q Noxious Blast + E Twin Fang, allows her to execute a very annoying and strong kiting kit.

The opponent only has one chance to seize Cassiopia; if you miss it, you can only retreat to the tower to cover. The most difficult aspect of mastering this champion is your skill to fly a kite. It takes a long time for players to train since you utilize E a lot, which is not a basic attack. Of course, mastering it will transform you into a true force in Top Lane in League Patch 11.16.

Conqueror is Cassiopia’s finest rune right now. Tears of the Goddess will be the ideal damage burner for the construct. The most potent combinations for Cassiopia are Rylai Crystal Scepter and Cosmic Drive. The remaining necessary equipment will be the Archangel’s Staff, Zhonya Hourglass, and Void Staff.

Akshan Top Lane:

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Akshan had a previous version in which he dominated the Mid lane. Because the basic damage from E has been somewhat buffed in the early levels in League Patch 11.16, Korean players seek to benefit from this advantage by moving him to the top lane. The longer the lane, the more chances Akshan has to soar and cling, right? Furthermore, avoiding conflict with mages in the top lane is advantageous to him.

Akshan won’t need to carry the Flash summoner spell because the Heroic E Swing gives a lot of mobility. Instead, Teleport + Ignite will assist him in taking kills sooner. Take advantage of Q Avengerang’s ability to push the lane; you should often ward and assist the jungle. The additional money from the W passive will enable Akshan to rapidly achieve the appropriate items, such as The Collector or Infinity Edge, each time you have a kill. Finish with Guardian Angle, Lord Dominik’s Regards, or Bloodthirster if necessary. Press the Attack will remain the most powerful rune for Akshan Top in League Patch 11.16.

Wukong Jungle Lethality

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Wukong will return to the jungle in League Patch 11.16, but not with the traditional Stridebreaker or Divine Sunderer build, but with Duskblade of Draktharr. Wukong, following a minor revamp, has risen to the throne of Top lane. Although he is still incredibly powerful in team fights near the end of the game, Wukong’s style this time will be to provide burst damage against weaker targets like as ADCs or SPs.

In general, Conqueror is still the best Rune for Wukong in League Patch 11.16 because of his Ultimate’s ability to stack this effect. The remaining of Precision should prioritize Triumph and Coup de Grace. Wukong will utilize Inspiration, Magical Footwear, and Cosmic Insight to enhance the usage rate of his (W) in a combat.

Graves jungle:

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Graves, like Wukong, will be returned to the jungle in League Patch 11.16. Graves is still broken in mid lane, but Korean players are gradually returning him into the jungle, where he belongs.

In League Patch 11.16, Graves will favor Teleport over Flash in addition to Smite. It seems a little strange, doesn’t it, but this is how he may approach ganks in the most surprising way. Flash is unnecessary since he can totally use E multiple times in a fight, and Teleport may completely create critical ganks if you coordinate well with your team lanes.

Dark Harvest, Sudden Impact, Collecting Eyeballs, and Ravenous Hunter is the essential runes for him in the Domination branch. Triumph and Coup de Grace are the last elements of Graves’ enormous damage stack. When Immortal Shieldbow is still the optimal mythic item in League Patch 11.16, the build path will consist of Lord Dominik’s Regards (or Serylda’s Grudge), Infinity Edge, Death’s Dance, and Phantom Dancer.

Irelia Mid Lane:

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Irelia is not uncommon in the Mid lane, and she may be a highly effective counter for less flexible mages. But it was until League Patch 11.16 that Korean Challengers truly recognized the strength of Irelia Immortal Shieldbow. The key is Wit’s End’s current strength in the meta. There’s no reason for her to turn down a big quantity of magical resistance in an item that also provides attack power on-hit effects (which is too good for Irelia). These together combined with Immortal Shieldbow’s extra safeties makes her a very comfortable picks against AP matchups while also scales really well.

Her remaining equipment will be Blade of the Ruined King, Death’s Dance, and Guardian Angel, respectively. Conquer will still be a familiar choice, Overheal and Biscuit Delivery will provide better protection for Irelia at the early stage game.