Potential leak image revealed Renata, League’s upcoming Support

The 159th champion in League of Legends has been leaked: Renata, Zaun’s newest support, is going to shake up the meta

Riot confirmed two new League champions would be launched in the early months of 2022 at the 2021 Champion Roadmap. The first was Zeri, The Spark of Zaun, who debuted in Patch 12.2 and introduced electric gameplay to the Rift. However, the second champion, an enchanter support, has yet to be introduced by the developers.

The first actual leaks for League of Legends champion 159 have started to surface online, however, all we have so far is her possible name, “Renata.” This name was mentioned in a leak post from Twitter source SybrLoL, which previews all of the new Season 12 skins that would be released in the early months of 2022. Renata will be available with the Anima skins in patch 12.5, according to the source, however, this is far from verified at this moment.

Teamfight Tactics, the League autobattler game, has provided more solid information about Renata leaks. According to a tweet by user Monstrous Yi, a unit called “Renata” was documented from the Chinese mobile spin-off of TFT (Battle for the Golden Spatula). As a new champion, she is likely to be included in the Neon Nights update.

Image via Riot Games

While Renata’s skills have yet to be revealed, one thing is clear: Riot is attempting to fill a need in the game’s enchanter support role.

The next LoL champion, who is probably Renata, has a prosthetic limb and a massive metal container filled with what seems to be Shimmer in images teasing her arrival. A Chembaron with a big supply of Shimmer suits the fantasy of a dark enchanter support well, charging their partners with chemicals to boost their strength.

Developers have used specific wording around Renata about ‘going berserk,’ so ability that boosts an ally with enormous stats seems likely.

Image via Riot Games

The enchanter support is expected to arrive before the upcoming Void jungler, so fans should look for her in the coming patches. She will be released later in season 12 — most likely in patch 12.5 on March 2, based on the leak.