Pre-Season 2021: Adjustment for Crit System. Is it a Disaster for Yone and Yasuo?

Will all these Pre-Season 2021 changes actually destroy champions that rely heavily on Critical Chances?

Alongside with tons of items’ changes and recommendations would be made to the Pre-Season 2021, Riot Mark Yetter also shared a Twitter post of how Riot would make some changes to all the Crit Items in League of Legends. To be specific they will tone down Critical Chances that are given out from these items and buff up some of the stats to balance them up.

How it is changed in Pre-Season 2021?

He said: “As we approach PBE for the item system overhaul we wanted to prime some more high level changes and their goals.”

This actually means all the Crit Items won’t be the real “core” items that every single Marksman must buy anymore. In the situation if your opponents have way too much healing, buying “Grievous Wound” items would mean sacrificing your late-game damage, Riot wants to avoid this problem. The solution for that is: they will start adding Crit Chance into items such as Mortal Reminder or Bloodthirster. Marksman in 2020 is being in a dilemma, either you buy Mortal Reminder as your 3rd item to counter a crazy Aatrox and sacrifice all your DPS or you go all-in for Critical Chances and hope someone will buy Grievous Wound.

How about Yasuo, Yone, and Tryndamere… in Pre-Season 2021?

Don’t worry, not only us who consider how these changes will affect our beloved Yasuo, LCK caster – LS actually asked Mark Yetter and received an appropriate answer.

This is actually not a nerf, it might be a buff for Yone, Yasuo, and even Tryndamere. As these Crit Champions, these champions must build Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancer, who doesn’t play Yasuo without this build right? Even if you are being countered heavily, you still have to do that. Maybe in Pre-Season 2021, you will be able to buy Mortal Reminder and still receive 100% Crit Chances. We haven’t known how they will change the Crit System yet, we will give you further information when we acknowledge any changes.