Preseason 13 official notes: All massive Jungle changes and updates in Patch 12.22

The League of Legends preseason 13 is finally here, after months of staring at the PBE

Patch 12.22 has finally brought League of Legends preseason 13 to life, and Riot Games will also change the whole jungle system. With the addition of companions, camp gold, and experience modifications, jungling in League of Legends is likely to shift drastically.

Fans of League of Legends may visit Riot’s official website for a more complete summary of the patch. However, for a quick recap, here are the big highlights of the preseason 13 jungle changes.

Chemtech Drake and Rift are back!

Image via Riot Games

Chemtech Drake

Chemtech Rift

Jungle changes

Image via Riot Games

Camp mechanic changes

Camp gold and experience changes

Jungle monsters changes

Image via Riot Games

Blue Sentinel



Murk Wolves


Red Brambleback

Rift Herald

Rift Scuttler

Jungle companions

Companion attacks

Companion mana regeneration

Companion progression

Companion evolutions

Image via Riot Games




First evolution

Final evolution

Range updates and indicators

Image via Riot Games

[NEW] Soft Resets: After losing all patience, instead of fully resetting, the monster will ‘soft reset’ for 6 seconds. While soft resetting, the monster will path towards its camp center, regenerate 6% of its max health per second, and ignore attackers outside of its leash range. Attacking a monster while the attacker is within its leash range will end the soft reset and restore some patience. After these 6 seconds have passed without the monster being attacked, the monster will ‘hard reset’ and ignore all attackers, rapidly heal, and return to its original position.

[NEW] Soft vs Hard Reset Speed: Monsters will move more slowly while soft resetting and faster once they hard reset

[NEW] Patience is Key: Monsters will not lose patience for 1.5 seconds after being attacked by a champion within the leash radius.

[NEW] Patience Regeneration: Camps will now begin to regenerate lost patience after 2 seconds of being back within their leash range.

Patience display