Preseason 2021: Top 4 Lowkey Playstyle But Actually Quite Effective

The variety of items in Preseason 2021 has opened multiple ways you can experiment with champions in League of Legends.

Top Tanky Fizz




There was a point in time when Fizz was chosen to go on the top lane with Iceborn Gauntlet and Sunfire Cape (the old one). Now, this style is again being used with all the new items in Preseason 2021. Even though Sunfire Aegis just received some minor nerfs, this is still an extremely effective item making Fizz incredibly annoying while laning. It helps Fizz receives much more sustainability, allows him to trade with almost every Bruiser in this game.

Combine with Demonic Embrace, Lich Bane, and Zhonya’s Hourglass not only makes Fizz hard to be killed in big 5v5 team fights, but also allows him to deal tons of damage with his ability kit.

Auto-Attack Machine Neeko




Neeko top lane is not a rare choice for any veteran player but when Neeko gets Divine Sunderer – things are getting spicy. By utilizing her ranged attack, Neeko can trade easily with almost all Bruiser, Tanky champions that are considered strong in this meta. The new mechanic in Preseason 2021 that is even though not that new but still fairy fresh is the On-Hit effect coming from items such as Guinsoo, Wit’s End, and Blade of the Ruined King will help Neeko become an auto-attack machine. Also, Neeko has fairly great crowd-control abilities to improve her advantages in team fights.

Mega Healing Rengar




Do you remember Rengar in the hand of Sofm in the match between Suning and DAMWON Gaming? He’s basically unkillable but the disadvantage is that he lacks damage. Now with Goredrinker, Tiamat, Death’s Dance, and Sterak, Rengar still maintains a healthy amount of damage while being unkillable.

Imperial Maokai




Maokai as a Support champion is being used quite a lot in Korea Server with noticeably high effectiveness. With Imperial Mandate and Aftershock will allow Maokai to lock down his enemy’s squishy targets and deal an outburst amount of damage. Demonic Embrace and Zhonya’s Hourglass are suitable for Maokai to survive in team fights.