Preseason 2021 Gameplay Plans

Hey everyone! It might feel weird to talk about preseason in June, but we want to start the conversation early so you have plenty of time to prepare and give feedback.

Preseason 2021 Gameplay Plans

When we developed last year’s preseason, Rise of the Elements, we wanted to expand and evolve League of Legends in an unexpected and exciting way. Elemental rifts add even more spice and each game of League presents a new challenge. When looking at all of the possibilities for this year’s preseason, we decided to take a different approach. This year, we’re going to invest in League’s future by building up and refining one of League’s foundational gameplay systems.


It’s worth saying that there are a lot of satisfying, well-designed items in the current system and that most of the item system’s fundamentals are solid. Keeping the best parts of the system is one of our central philosophies; we only want to improve or replace the areas that aren’t fulfilling their potential. In terms of change, we’re estimating something like 34% retained, 33% improved, and 33% new.

Preseason 2021

In this blog we’re going to lay out some of our goals and philosophies around items in League of Legends to start the conversation with you all about what we hope to bring to this preseason.

The Ideal Item System

The first step was to revisit and refine our stance on what the item system is meant to do for League and what the ideal item system would look like. Here are our current principles and some thoughts on how close to the ideal we are today:

Items provide power for early game consequences and high moments: The core reason for the item system’s existence is so players become more powerful over the course of a game at different paces, with early successes generating gold that pushes your item build ahead of your opponents’. Every outplay or misplay creates consequences for your power later in the game but not so much that comebacks are impossible. This ensures that there’s meaning to actions at all stages of the game and enables the rare but extremely satisfying game where you individually carry.

Items are satisfying to earn and use: Each game has a miniature RPG loop where your champion powers up from weak to godlike strength. The item system is key to making the ascent in power feel earned and satisfying.

Reactive item choices add game-to-game variance and reward strategy: Unlike runes, you can continuously adjust your item build based on what’s happening in the game. We want players to read and react to each game’s unique happenings with smart item choices that lead to higher success than if they build the same things in the same order every game.

Items augment your champion’s playstyle: Full item builds should integrate a slight gameplay twist or addition into a champion’s play pattern that doesn’t override that champion’s kit. A perfect example of this today is Trinity Force, which adds a nuanced but not overly complicated new auto attack pattern. Not every item should do this individually, or else a full build would be asking you to do too many things at once.

The item system is intuitive: With a deep and complex item system, the choices, stats, and ways you acquire items should be clear and intuitive.

A lot of prospective players who might love League are scared away by the impenetrable item system in their first few games. We believe learning the item system over time is a key part of growing as a League player, but an unintuitive system can be a roadblock to believing it’s possible to achieve that growth.

Goals for this Preseason

With a refined understanding of the ideal system and where we’re falling short, we established our goals for this year’s preseason work:

Polishing Every Item

Beyond our goals for the project overall, we also laid out some principles we think every item should meet in order to hit our highest design quality:

Items have a clear, unique, and single purpose.

We want every item in the shop to have a clear purpose that sets it apart from the other choices in the shop. Multiple items overlapping in purpose or items with confused or conflicting mechanics undermine the clarity of choices and bloat the system overall.

The Big Shop Upgrade

Last up but definitely not least is the shopping interface. There’s a ton of room for improvement here. While nothing’s been finalized yet, we do have early concepts to help illustrate some of our design directions.

Broadly, there are two main types of users for the shop, so we want to create versions of the interface that serve each player in the ways they want.

Recommended Items

Preseason 2021

Rec items are for the player wanting a more guided experience. “Show me the best choices but don’t overwhelm me.”

All Items

Preseason 2021

All Items is for the advanced player that already knows the shop inside and out. “Give me all of my options in one place for fast and easy access”.

Faker: ‘ I don’t even talk to Flash users with D keys’ – Faker Flash F or D

This is only the beginning of a long and exciting road to preseason. We’re revealing our plans as early as possible so that we can see and process as much of your feedback as we can. Thanks again for playing, and we look forward to forging an incredible future for League together.

Information From: Riot Games