Preseason 2021: Prowler’s Claw Is The New Broken Evolution

With all the Preseason 2021 items changes, this brings tons of variety into League of Legends, one of the new item to showcase today is Prowler’s Claw which belongs to Assassin clash.

The end of season 2020 also indicates all the promising upcoming changes that Riot is going to bring to the League of Legends. Aside from multiple MVs, trailers, and teasers, the last surprise that they brought – all the brand new Mythic items. Mythic Items are a completely new line, the most prestigious tier in the Shop, play as the core factor throughout the whole match. A champion/player can only purchase 1 Mythic at a particular time, so deciding the best Mythic item to go for can decide the fate of the whole game.

Not only Mythic items provide decent stats, they also alter the stats of all other Legendary items, which impact heavily on the peak power of a champion. One of the new highlight items we introduce to them is Prowler Claw. With that item, tons of champions who seem to be forgotten when players consider an Assassin pick now start rolling back into the game.

How does Prowler’s Claw work?

This is a quite expensive item costing 3.200 gold in order to acquire it. The recipe is pretty much similar to all other Lethality items, making from Serrated Dirk and Caufield’s Warhammer. Then why this item is a really great pick for some particular champions, let’s find out.

Firstly, Prowler’s Claw will give you a decent amount of Attack Damage (+55), Lethality (+21), and also 10 Ability Haste and also for every Legendary item you purchase, you will also gain 5 Lethality as a bonus. These stats really benefit Zed, Regar, Kha’Zix, Qiyana, Talon, Lee Sin, and even Pyke – a support champion that can utilize Lethality items.

Secondly, when activated, it grants you a special skill – Sandswipe: After a 0.2 second cast time, dash in a line through the target enemy’s location, and upon completing the dash, deal 100 (+30% bonus AD) physical damage to the target and increase your damage dealt to them by 15% for the next 3 seconds (60s CD).

Why it’s great?

The main reason why Prowler’s Claw is so great is because of its activation skill. Due to the limitation of the range, this item can only be maximized by champions that have a gap-close ability like Zed, Pyke, or Rek’Sai.

Assassins themselves deal out tons of damage in just a blink of an eye, now with a 15% bonus, they can even output enormous damage before withdrawing from the enemy’s field. Not only they benefit from the bonus damage, but Prowler also helps them to reposition themselves, high ELO players can manage to dodge the important crowd-control skill shots that are heading to them. Aside from that, for a champion like Zed, the ability to get behind your enemy will most likely guarantee a 3 Shuriken – Q hit situation, creating a perfect combo.

Regar can also extend his leaping ability to crush any squishy enemy he finds.

The 2 other special champions that are not considered to be Assassin but can use Prowler’s Claw extremely well are Rek’Sai and Sion.