Preseason 2021: Top 8 Forgotten Champions Rise To The Top (P1)

Preseason 2021 brings an extremely complex update. Due to all the items changes and especially the birth of Mythic items, there are champions really rise from the pit.

This is the list of champions that you definitely should check and try out before they get nerfed heavily.


Malphite is a really really… old champion in League of Legends. He is definitely not weak at all, but, not really too strong in high ELO matches. Even though he has good survivability and a game-breaking Ultimate, he has never appeared in a match as a core champion but usually as a hidden gem.

Coming to Preseason 2021, everything is different now. Malphite is not only a rock and acts like a support role, but he becomes the king on the top lane by maximizing Tanky Items. When looking at Malphite right now, he is similar to Alistar in the past when Alistar shined a few years ago with the ability to deal insane amout of damage and still remained incredibly sustainable.


We will be missing out quite a lot if we don’t mention Amumu. Before Preseason 2021, he is… not that great. With the lack of ability to clear jungle camps quickly, he felt behind Graves, Nidalee, and Elise. Despite being an Initiator, he has to hit Q to open team fights, which makes him fairly hard to pull it off in high level matches.

The tide has turned completely in this update. With Sunfire Aegis and Demonic Embrace, he can even solo kill 3ron when it spawns at the 20-minute mark (he will be nerfed soon, sadly). With the ability to become much healthier by tanky items and also deals a decent amount of damage with his kits, he is a strong champion at every point of the game from early to late, one of the most perfect champions in Preseason 2021.


Kayn’s situation is kind of… weird. In the history, he is the only champion that hasn’t been nerfed once since he was first released. He’s not broken by all mean, Riot managed to do a good job when they released him. The problem was, before this Preseason 2021 update, Kayn’s playstyle was heavily depended on what his enemies’ picks. Players can’t really decide if they want to specifically choose him as Rhasst or the Shadow Assassin (you can still, but it is going to be quite long).

Opposite to the past, in this meta, the way he keeps healing and staying alive in combat in Rhasst form is unbelievable yet delivers tons of satisfying feelings. Rhasst combines with Goredrinker, Kayn simply becomes a nightmare for anyone who wants to bring him down quickly. Even though he is still not being able to deal insane damage or really get ahead when he is able to snowball, he won’t be too weak when he’s behind. In the near future, there might be some adjustments to this broken form as it’s proving to be too strong despite counter match-ups/items in Preseason 2021.


Fizz is a nightmare right now. Looking back, he wasn’t strong at all. Obviously, an assassin is a very rare choice in the competitive scene, even if professional players decided to pick one, no one would choose Fizz. Now with Hextech Rocketbelt/Night Harvester and Lich Bane, he can completely one-shot any squishy target he can find in the battlefield.

The story of Fizz’s life in ranked queues is different. With the wonderful trading ability and the capability of taking down any target at the first few levels. When Fizz is ahead of his enemy, a snowball that he creates which can’t be stopped by all mean. With his E, he can quickly clear out a minion wave then roam to help other lanes in seconds. In the right hand, he is a great choice to easily gain MMR in Preseason 2021.

To utilize even more, definitely check out, they are amazing when it comes to guide and items’ builds.