LoL Preseason 2024: Summoner’s Rift is receiving new terrains and map objectives

The LoL Preseason 2024 will see some significant changes to Mythic items, but there will be even more changes that will impact the map!

The League of Legends map has been altered and tweaked over the years. The jungle in general was the highlight in the last season, yet it is not fixed, with elemental drakes introduced as well as adjustments to every single jungle critter throughout the years.

Image via Riot Games

Riot will now make even more improvements and adjustments to Summoner’s Rift in the forthcoming LoL Preseason 2024. In a recent Dev Update video, along with the Mythic items system changes, a few suggestions were offered as to what Riot would be altering in the following months in terms of map changes.

Preseason 2024 will feature new map terrains and objectives changes

Pu “Pupulaster” Liuy detailed the adjustments on the dev video and went into further detail about the planned item changes that would be coming to Summoner’s Rift soon.

However, he did not directly share the improvements to Summoner’s Rift, although there have been reports about a new ice drake, as previously hinted by Riot Games.

Ice Drake, the first-ever Wild Rift exclusive elemental dragon, was added by Riot. Because it was unique, it was highly embraced by the Wild Rift community. Many fans have questioned Riot when this dragon will be available on PC. Riot, surprise, was agreeable to the concept.

While we don’t know the specifics, it appears like some significant changes to the League of Legends map will be done during the Preseason ahead of LoL Season 14. There have been whispers of a new dragon being introduced, but Riot has also hinted at some further modifications.

Images via Riot Games

Some players have suggested that Riot would make dramatic changes to the Baron and Dragon pit on the map, maybe even introducing a ‘swap’ function to make it more unexpected which of the goals is where on the map.

We’ll have to wait a little longer to figure out what Riot means by terrain changes and map objective changes. Hopefully, a dev blog or post will be posted in September that will go through these changes in depth.