Pyke had the ability to kidnap enemies, Qiyana’s Ultimate could blow up a river and many ideas were deleted (End).


In his general development note, Riot says that Ornn has undergone many revisions starting in 2013. Some of Ornn’s designs are inspired by Sion.

One of Ornn’s ultimate moves is “Muderhenge” – which allows him to summon a huge stream of lava, tossing rocks around an area – and if Ornn charges forward one of those rocks, they will break and damage the enemy.

One of Ornn’s Passive ideas is to allow him to forge his own weapons to power his basic attacks: for example, a hammer dealing large area damage, a sword causing extreme damage a lot of damage, or a rotating axe…


Pyke was originally designed to be a support assassin and then went through a lot of skill testing. One of Pyke’s original moves allows him to kidnap enemies by marking their current location and then gliding forward; If you meet an enemy champion, Pyke will bring him back to his original position

When building a biography for Pyke, one of the proposed ideas was to turn him into a Shurima sand spirit, or an immortal Yordle from the Shadow Isles.


Initially, Riot wanted the champion from a completely foreign land that didn’t belong to Runeterra, and Qiyana was once designed to be an aluminium girl! But in the end, they didn’t have enough time to finalize this idea.

Qiyana has also been able to control Fire – but on the map, there is too little room to get this element. Her last move could also explode THE RIVER.


Initially, Quinn was an Assassin with two swords in his hands. Then someone asked Riot, “Why not the highest range champions?”, And…Quinn’s design was changed.

Quinn’s first passive version for Valor sniffs all enemies below 30% health and suppresses them for a terrifying period …

Her full names are “Quinn and Valor” (like Nunu & Willump), but due to the Client error, when leaving the PBE, and that name was withdrawn only Quinn.

Rakan & Xayah

One idea to design this bot lane couple is a “Wizard of the Storm” and “Component of the Storm”: one will be able to summon a thunderstorm cloud to shock enemies, and the other will blow clouds comes to the desired position. Riot also gave each of the couples a Vel’Koz laser, which together will create a super-terrible penetrating beam!

Initially, the mechanism of these two champions allowed one person to “cling” to the other after death – that was the basis for forming Yuumi later.

Xayah’s skill set has gone through many versions. One of her ultimate has become Kai’sa ultimate; another skill is basically Ahri’s W – but there’s only one spark; another passive gives her up to 10 additional AD while using basic attacks. Xayah even had a mechanism similar to Fiora’s passive, with closer range and higher damage


The reason why Rammus is now is that his first recording was so bad, and Riot finally decided to make a new voiceover for Rammus within 15 minutes.

As for why it is bad, no one knows.


According to her article on her origins, Riven had to go through a lot of skill tests – especially with her ultimate. This technique has so many funny versions that Riot himself could not believe that they had created it: a melee champion has a skill … pushes people away, or lightning glitters sparkles every time she uses skill