Pyke’s ‘experimental’ execute scaling was reverted after only 2 days on the PBE

Riot Games has tested Pyke’s ultimate rework on the PBE server, which allows him to execute any full-health champion in the game, and fans are not pleased about it

The new ultimate emphasizes Pyke’s character fantasy by strengthening the notion of insta-killing champions with progressively horrifying executions. Furthermore, his new passive will allow him to execute enemy minions and grant the gold to a nearby teammate instead of himself.

This is an intriguing approach for Riot Games to explore in order to alleviate some of Pyke’s scalability concerns in later phases of a game. As a result, he is substantially more squishy than other melee supports and may occasionally fall behind after opposition teams have built enough items to counter him.

However, as soon as this update was tested on the PBE server, a flood of harsh criticism erupted. The reason for this is that players believe that Riot’s features simply serve to make Pyke a more broken champion while doing little to prevent this champion’s potential to be picked in the mid-lane. Then, with the infinite scaling on his ultimate, Pyke’s play became insanely strong, allowing him to one-shot a full health Cho’Gath.

As a result, Riot’s updates have been met with harsh criticism and comments. Riot Games was finally compelled to revert all of the new features they tried on Pyke after only two days of test. So far, his version on the PBE server is identical to the live server.

Perhaps this is another lesson for Riot in terms of introducing new features or attempting to “improve” certain champions. It would be disastrous if they increased an already dominating, imbalanced champion.