Qiyana First Strike bug has made her the strongest midlaner for High-elo players

Qiyana with First Strike is POG!

Bugs in League of Legends are rather uncommon and can affect champion performance in the game. As a result, Qiyana is the most recent champion to be impacted by such a bug, however, it has benefited her amazingly.

Using the First Strike rune on Qiyana apparently causes her to deal double damage, increasing her winrate in League of Legends to 58%. This winrate, however, is mainly found in high-elo where players can properly utilize her.

Qiyana is a rather difficult champion to master.  Her W ability allows her to enchant her weapon, doing additional damage to enemies. When players utilize the First Strike rune on Qiyana, it appears she deals more damage than expected.

Nonetheless, this bug is difficult to trigger since players must swap elements quickly.

Damage went from 822 to 1039 thanks to the bug

The way it works is that Qiyana must first acquire an element with her W and then wait for the cooldown to reset. If necessary, players must additionally wait for the First Strike cooldown to reset.

Now, the player must toss her Q at the opponent while also using her W while the Q is still in the air. This will enable her to trigger the bug and do massive damage to the opponent.

All in all, the secret is clearly to use the First Strike and switch to the W while the Q is in mid-air.

Image via Riot Games

The issue is that it is due to this bug that Qiyana’s winrate in League of Legends has risen to more than 58% (master rank and above). This is a concerning indicator, and those that are skilled with this champion are making extensive use of this bug.

At the time of this article is being written, Qiyana’s win rate is still pretty much the same and she is now ranked as the number one midlaner in the entire game for High-elo players, according to League statistics Lolalytics.