LoL devs reveal redesigned Champion Mastery cosmetics in response to player criticism

The developers of League of Legends have announced a redesign for the champion mastery emotes after receiving negative feedback from players.

Riot Games have unveiled a preview of the upcoming redesign for the champion mastery emote. Initially, the original design was quite popular among the community, but it was eventually changed with the introduction of the champion mastery system.

However, the new emote design did not sit well with many players, with some even describing it as resembling something from a “mobile game.”

Image via Riot Games

Although the champion mastery system itself is not being changed, Riot Games appears to be focusing on the cosmetic aspects. They are working on a new emote that should be more appealing to players who invest significant time in the game.

Jordan Checkman, a developer at Riot Games, shared the current progress of the emote redesign on Twitter. He stated, “We’re trying to strike a balance between respecting the previous mastery but updating it, as opposed to a complete re-imagining like previously.”

Image via Riot Games

The redesign aims to retain elements of the older emote while giving it a fresh, modern update. The developers are attempting to reimagine the cosmetic while still honoring the original design. The result is expected to be a more polished and contemporary version of the champion mastery emote, making it more fitting for the current state of League of Legends.

Creating an emote involves more than just updating the visual image. The developers need to consider several factors, such as the animation, the sound effects, and how the emote changes with the player’s mastery level. These aspects are all being taken into account, but Riot Games has not provided a specific timeline for when the new emote will be available.

Image via Riot Games

This suggests that it may be some time before players see the new mastery emote in the game. Although it is promising that the developers are working on a redesign, it might be a while before their efforts come to fruition and are introduced to the players.