Rell Jungle receives major nerfs in LoL Patch 14.7

In the upcoming Patch 14.7 of League of Legends, the developers have made significant adjustments to Rell’s abilities, effectively putting an end to her viability as a jungle pick.

Rell’s transition to the jungle was initially spurred by her exceptional engage potential, particularly with her W and R abilities, making her a formidable pick in professional play. Previously primarily played as a support champion, her aggressive playstyle made her susceptible to punishment if her engagements were mistimed, making her less appealing compared to other options like Leona or Thresh.

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Rell Jungle nerfs in Patch 14.7

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By removing the bonus damage to monsters from her entire kit, Rell’s capability to efficiently clear jungle camps has been severely diminished, rendering her ineffective in the jungle role.

Patch 14.7, currently under development, has brought about significant changes that particularly impact Rell’s jungle viability. The removal of bonus damage to monsters from her Q, W, and E abilities marks a stark reversal from the massive damage bonuses initially granted to facilitate her jungle clearing. Consequently, Rell’s effectiveness in the jungle role is expected to plummet drastically with these alterations.

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As a result of these changes, Rell will likely find herself relegated back to the bot lane, where she was originally intended to excel as a tanky support champion. This shift eliminates her flexibility as a pick, limiting her role options within the game.

It’s important to note that these adjustments are currently being tested on the Public Beta Environment (PBE), indicating that there is still a window for potential revisions before they are implemented on the live servers.