Terrible Rell Mid-scope update required immediate Hotfix Buffs after League Patch 13.11

In the most recent Patch 13.11 micro patch, Rell received substantial buffs

The Rell mini-rework has only been out for a few days, yet she has already undergone considerable adjustments.

The Rell revamp was eventually delivered in patch 13.11 after months of anticipation. The overhaul improved her gameplay and brought additional quality-of-life improvements, and it appeared like Rell would be playable again.

However, it appears that this is not the case; after her release, she had a win rate of less than 40% across the board. Even for a recently released champion, this is a low win rate. So, a day after her release, Riot hotfix buffed her. They improved her base stats as well as all of her skills.

Image via Riot Games

League of Legends Rell Hotfix Buffs

Base Stats

Passive – Break The Mold

W – Ferromancy: Crash Down / Mount Up

E – Full Tilt

Image via Riot Games

What’s more unexpected is that Riot is pushing the concept of Rell jungle even further by adjusting the monster damage ratios tied to her Q and W, despite the fact that the champion has a lower win rate in that position than in her main role.

Riot also announced that they will closely monitor her performance and, if required, enhance her further in Patch 13.12.