Rell will be fixed in the near future

Rell is one of the new Champions released in Pre Season 2021. However, by the time she came to League of Legends, she almost disappeared from all matches from low ELO to high ELO.

In spite of that, she found her throne in Summoner’s Rift. Rell is so overpowering because she is extremely tanky, which helps her become a wall for her allies. Although she is really utility, she can only be responsible for the Support Role, due to lack of damage.

Riot sees this issue clearly, as a result, they are attempting to fix it. They have already tested some changes in PBE with her shield as well as buffing damage from her W – FERROMANCY: CRASH DOWN. Her E – ATTRACT AND REPEL will deal less damage, however, her Ultimate – MAGNET STORM will increase in AP.

Ray Yonggi – Gameplay Analyst of Riot – said that Riot wanted to balance her Abilities. In particularly, they will nerf Q and W, and buff the others.

In our prediction, we believe that increasing 40% AP for her Ultimate and Q will create a great chance to use this Champion on Top Lane, or even Mid Lane like Sett and Pantheon.

However, this is only being tested on PBE, we should wait till February 3rd for official announcement from Riot.