Renata received rushed nerf from Riot followed her dominating debut

Renata – League of Legends‘ 159th champion is just too good at the moment.

Riot Games rushed out a short League of Legends update on Feb. 22 aimed at new champion Renata, after the Zaunite support’s victory rate surpassed 52% only days after her Summoner’s Rift launch.

Renata Glasc came in League last Thursday and soon made her presence known with her devastating mind-control ultimate and revive ability.

Credit: League of Legends

While many new League champions have low win rates (Zeri won only 37% of games when she arrived), the Chem Baroness has already had a significant influence on games. Renata has a 52 percent win rate in her main role as support after less than seven days, and that percentage is growing.

To tackle this, the Riot development team acknowledged on Twitter that they are looking on many aspects of Champ 159’s design, including her base stats, passive, and her Bailout – W ability.

Image via Riot Games

Renata’s “W” skill, Bailout, is the highlight of the final modification. This powerful ability allows Zaunite aid to briefly resurrect her allies. Its cooldown has been increased to 24 seconds at highest level, and it will now burn out faster (2.5 seconds, compared to three seconds). Finally, teammates resurrected using Glasc’s Bailout ability will only have 20 percent health to avoid the Season 12 debutant’s long-running revive chains.

“Uptime on W is too high,” dev Blake Smith replied. “We want it [to be] easier to run away from a dying enemy or burn them. [These nerfs] should lead to less chain revives.”

Renata’s presence on the Rift should decrease significantly as a result of these modifications. According to League metrics site Lolalytics, the newest League of Legends character currently appears in 15.9 percent of all games. She has been banned 37.49 percent of the time in all rated lobbies that have been recorded.

Riot has yet to clarify whether Renata will be eligible for selection this weekend in professional play. The LCS and LEC will begin using Patch 12.4 for matches starting this Friday.