Riot will put a REPORT feature right from the champion pick

The nightmare called competitive position, mid or troll … of League of Legends players will likely decrease significantly in the future…

REPORT feature

In the past few days, after the Voyboy streamer posted a video about the toxic status of League of Legends, a wave of reflection, as well as the introduction of new sanctions and accusations, took place in the community. Help make this game less toxic. For a publisher to keep a close watch on the community, Riot Games naturally knows this, and when the community is overreacting, they must give an appropriate answer.

REPORT feature

Revealing Volibear rework skillset

A few hours ago, Riot Meddler – the project director of League of Legends – posted an article on this issue on the homepage of League of Legends and presented the solutions that Riot games are taking to reduce the toxic status of the game. Basically, Riot focuses on improving the effectiveness of the reporting system, providing more appropriate sanctions for those who intentionally break the game.

REPORT feature

Right Now – Improving Report Feedback

We’ve just started trialing improvements to how our report and notification systems work. For now, those are live on NA only, if this test goes well we’ll roll them out worldwide in a couple of weeks. Those should result in a significant increase in the number of punishments being surfaced.

One component of that is changes to how punishment notifications are generated. Previously you’d only be notified that a user you’d reported had been punished if that punishment was triggered immediately after the game you were reporting them for and the punishment was for the specific category you’d reported them in. The actual punishment system, however, looks at a player’s games over time and aggregates reports from different categories together. As a result, notifications were substantially lower than actual punishments. The revised notification system, by contrast, will notify you if a user was punished regardless of category of report and will do so if the player gets punished after any of their next dozen or so games.

Short Term – Champ Select Reporting and Muting

Disruptive behavior in Champ Select is a problem that players have very few ways to deal with. Starting around late Q2 we’re going to give you the ability to report disruptive players in Champ Select. First, these reports will be used to establish a data foundation for champ select behavior. Then, once we’ve got enough data to identify different types of behavior accurately, we’ll deploy a punishment system.

REPORT feature

With this information from Riot Games, we can be assured that they are focusing on upgrading the punishment system and accusing players of bad attitude in LoL rather than just ignoring it as before. In addition to the upgraded reporting system, which hopefully will be a little less useless, report at champion selection is also a very good and new feature.

REPORT feature

Of course, League of Legends does not lack the weird and effective gameplay, but playing other ways than playing games.

Indeed, if meeting the pick Yasuo even when playing Support or going to the jungle, the teammates are bored and do not want to play anymore, not to mention the competition for the position and the “mid or troll, mid or AFK, mid or feed” young people Other negative degrees need to be excluded.

Hopefully, Riot’s system will work effectively and reduce the toxic components.

Information From: Riot Games