Riot announces an incoming buff for Yone and Yasuo

After the announcement from Riot about updating items in Pre-Season 2021, many players worry about these updates on balancing Champions. Pre-Season 2021 witnessed many changes in balance as well as the rise of Tank Champions like Amumu and Sejuani. However, Riot quickly nerfed these OP Champions in the latest patch 10.24.

In fact, the two most popular Champions on Mid Lane: Yasuo and Yone witnessed a significant drop in win rate after recent patches. Because of this, a Redditor made a call directly to Riot Phlox, then asked if there is any change or buff for Yone and Yasuo. In Riot’s opinion, despite their low win rate, this drop partly came from the wrong builds of players.

However, Yone’s win rate is 43% while Yasuo’s is 45% in high-elo rank matches, Riot Phlox agrees that this duo needs some changes in the future. Since released, Yone showed why he is one of the favorite Champions by his skills and fancy playstyle. In addition, he can cooperate well with his brother – Yasuo in performing a fascinating combo. But they are vanishing from Summoner’s Rift after receiving many nerfs. It is essential for Riot to bring them back again.

By changing their passive in Patch 10.23, Riot hopes they can help both Yone and Yasuo transition well into the new meta. Their passive will additionally provide them extra damage for each critical percentage that surpassed 100 percent. However, this change is not as good as they expected as they showed that they haven’t been optimally gaining advantages from this. Buffs for crit items in Patch 10.25 will not only helps crit-ADCs but are expected to help Yasuo and Yone to overcome their current bad situation as well.