Riot August explains why Viego and Senna has the strongest Passive in the game

Riot August, the League of Legends lead champion designer frequently streams to address players’ concerns about League of Legends’ design, balancing, and champion processes.

And in his latest stream on Twitch, he attempted to breakdown champions strength by ranking each of their Passive. The significance of the Passive to the character’s power and win rate is one of Riot August’s assessment factors. And after more than 2 hours of discussion and evaluation with the audience, Riot August ranked two champions Viego and Senna in the position of the character with the strongest passive in League of Legends.

Riot August said that the reason he put Viego and Senna at S rank is because theie passive affect the strength of these two characters so much. Most of the power, the ratio, the win rates of these two champions come from within.


Image via Riot Games

For Viego, his passive Sovereign’s Domination is the tool that gives this champion the source of his power. Besides the effect of possessing an enemy body, this passive also helps Viego renew his ultimate – Heartbreaker and helps him to deal more damage. This makes it even easier for Viego to defeat and possess another opponent’s body.

Viego gets a pentakill by possessing bodies continuously

Viego then can become a champion capable of snowballing in incredibly powerful teamfights as a result of him continuously possessing bodies.


Image via Riot Games

As for Senna, it can be said that Absolution is the source of this champion’s strength. You must collect Mist for Senna to have a lot of AD, long range, or a high crit rate and even lifesteal. This passive is so powerful that it aids Senna in dealing more damage, increasing movement speed with each hit, and the Mist also increase the shield created by her ultimate.

We must also remember that Riot August created Viego and Senna, thus he is familiar with these two characters and the effects of their passives.

Nonetheless, these are only one individual evaluation based on the current set of champions in League. Riot Games might continue to introduce new champions and reworked champions with newly passives that can ultimately change the whole leaderboard.