Over 700 accounts from a Twitch streamer have been banned by Riot

It’s no secret that League of Legends can become contentious whenever players put in enough time and effort and realize their efforts aren’t paying off. Because of this, the League community is among the worst you’ll find in the video game business.

Riot Games implemented an automated ban system that detects unpleasant behavior and instantly bans toxic individuals in order to minimize toxic behavior and rid the game of inters, griefers, and trolls. However, one League player – a Twitch streamer consistently runs the clock down in the middle of games in an effort to get Riot to permanently ban his IP address.

Small Twitch streamer LionL9 has made it his goal to utterly destroy every League of Legends game in which he participates. Although his motivation is obscure to the general public, he presently has over 700 accounts that have been permanently banned.

The issue is that after having an account banned, the Twitch streamer simply obtains a new account and starts over. LionL9 typically chooses a champion with Ghost and Teleport in order to increase his feeding effectiveness.

Though Riot’s ban system is broken, as we always knew, it still seems surreal that a League player can publicly destroy hundreds of matches while Riot does nothing to rid the system of a persistent troll who will just make a new account, queue up once more, and ruin even more matches.