Riot is finally buffing Aurelion Sol after his failed rework

The development team behind League of Legends is setting their sights on Aurelion Sol for some much-needed enhancements. This action comes in the wake of the 2023 rework of the champion, which unfortunately left him struggling to keep up with the game’s dynamic.

Aurelion Sol’s case is a prime example of this balance. Since his rework, the champion has been grappling with finding his footing, often being on the verge of receiving nerfs due to the difficulties in stabilizing his gameplay.

However, the developers have now decided to enhance Aurelion Sol’s capabilities, particularly considering the new items introduced in Season 14.

Aurelion Sol buffs in Patch 14.3




Riot Yelough announced that Aurelion Sol would be receiving specific improvements in the PBE servers. These buffs are primarily focused on boosting his performance in the early stages of the game.

Image via Riot Games

Previously, Aurelion Sol was often relegated to a passive role, primarily collecting Stardust throughout the game until reaching a powerful late-game state. This rework transformed him into a powerful champion, eventually unleashing immense damage in the later phases of the game, truly embodying the character’s intended fantasy.

The upcoming changes aim to slightly shift this dynamic. Aurelion Sol will be encouraged to engage more actively in combat, particularly through the use of his Q ability and by roaming with his W.

Image via Riot Games

The Q ability will be adjusted to gather more Stardust when inflicting damage on other champions. Additionally, the W ability is set to receive improvements in terms of reduced cooldown, lower mana cost, and increased damage output.

On the other hand, there will be a reduction in the Stardust gained through his E ability, specifically from defeating enemies within its range. This change is intended to balance out the enhancements made to his other abilities.

Image via Riot Games

If these adjustments prove successful in the testing phase, they are scheduled to be implemented in the upcoming Patch 14.3. This patch is expected to be released to the live servers on February 7, 2024.