ARAM balancing changes of League Patch 11.13 details by Riot Games.

In Patch 11.13, Gwen and Akali will receive significant ARAM buffs.

Image via Riot Games

Riot Games announced today various balancing adjustments coming to League of Legends‘ ARAM game mode in Patch 11.13.

Several champions will receive improvements to this game mode in Patch 11.13, including bursty assassins like Gwen and Akali, as well as tanky frontliners like Udyr, Rammus, and Rek’Sai.

Akali, in particular, is experiencing an increase in throughput. She will deal an additional 5% damage in this game mode in Patch 11.13, in addition to a 5% damage reduction. In the forthcoming patch, Gwen will do an additional 5% damage in ARAM while also receiving 5% more damage.

Image via Riot Games

Camille, Trundle, Zyra, and the newly revamped Dr. Mundo will all have their damage reduced and damage taken increased in Patch 11.13. Patch 11.13 will also see a significant nerf to Warmog’s Armor in this game mode. In the latest patch, the cooldown of its effect against champions will be raised from six to eight seconds.

According to the official League patch schedule, Patch 11.13 will be available on live servers on June 23.