Riot dev revealed Dominion to return to League with a brand new look

After more than 4 years of absence, is Riot Games going to “revive” the Dominion mode?

Since it was first launched in September 2014, the Dominion mode was an essential part of Azir’s introduction event. This mode was later returned in 2016, but it was also the last time it has ever appeared in League of Legends. However, the devs are considering bringing Dominion (as well as Ascension) back soon, according to Riot Reinboom, Lead mode designer of League of Legends.

Over the last few years, Riot Games has constantly introduced special game modes to every League event which are typically the Nexus Blitz mode and the Battle Queen event at the present. The point is that Riot will mostly just brings back existing game modes, not adding something newer.

As far as the Ascended mode is concerned, it is kind of different, the fact that it was launched a long time ago means that many newcomers have not tried this game mode. As for Riot, the Ascended mode is being taken back to a completely different and new from what existed. Perhaps it will make a positive impression, keeping the gamers’ foot longer than Nexus Blitz or One For All ever did.