Rioters: “We Don’t Think Yuumi Has Been In a State That’s Balanced”

Even the staff at Riot Games agreed that Yuumi is faulty in conceptual design and is a spanner in the work in League of Legends.

Yuumi, released on 14th May, 2019, has been considered one of the worst designed champions in League of Legends to date. Her kit is too erroneously overpowered, that Riot hasn’t been able to invent a solid final solution for this mischievous kitty’s continuous rampage in both casual and pro play.

Yuumi, the Magical Cat, was first conceived as the “cute-looking enchanter support” to join the League of Legends roster after 7 years without a new marksmen babysitter of the same kind – the last one was Nami, the Tide Caller. On release, she was deemed to be either “too weak” or “too unorthodox” to be viable” for this game, but after several hot fix buffs, plus with more experience spent on the champion, players soon found out that she was more broken than Riven’s Runic Blade.

This Redditor would soon regret writing the post

When Yuumi’s full potential was truly discovered, her presence in Pro play and Solo queue skyrocketed, being either banned or picked in almost every game. With her guided-missile-like high damaging spell that also slowed and synergized too well with Arcane Comet, a heal that had two charges, each healed the host she was latching on for a collossal amount while boosting the said champion’s mobility, it was no doubt that the pile of online forum posts raging about the furball’s annoyance just added up every day.

Yuumi stole Teemo’s position of being the most despised character in League of Legends

After all attempts trying to curb Yuumi’s relentless bulldozing through the fabric of League ranked across server, including a major kit overhauled – which made the situation even worse than before, Riot hosted a Q&A, titled: Ask Riot: Delete Yuumi to explain the origin of this feline Devil, and why the Teemo’s usurper has not been permanently removed from the game.

Is Riot being sincere in their effort to balance Yuumi?

While Riot finally admitted that Yuumi was unfair and distressing to play against, they are not going to delete the Magical Cat soon. The Rioter hosting the Q&A stated, the furball was meant to be a unique enchanter support playstyle that had not been found in any other existing healers/shielders in the game.

Nevertheless, recently the controversial balance team is trying their best to stuff more interactivity requirement to her kit, so Yuumi mains will not sit idle on the carries’ back all day. Instead, the increased mana cost on her E and the reattach lockdown timer on CC force her to detach more often to utilize her passive, while taking risk of being killed out right due to her innate squishiness and the inability to fly back to her lane partner once a form of hard CC is appliied on her.

Riot’s final thought about Yuumi

In the end, while we cannot hope that Riot will remove the furry champion, we can expect to see the feline in a different light after the balance team’s nerf hammer strikes upon her unholy kit – and make it more reasonable to play against.

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