Riot explains their new Report System in the recent Game Updates

Riot Games has stated that they will develop a mechanism that will allow users to report teammates in-game

Image via Riot Games

It’s no secret that League of Legends is one of the most toxic gaming environments around.

TimTamMonster, the Product Lead for Behavioural Systems, indicated that they were looking at a few new features for the future of League of Legends in their latest Game Updates to counteract these issues.

One of these is the addition of in-game reports to the game. This means that if a player is behaving badly, you may report them directly in the middle of the game.

“We’re also finally going to be adding the ability to report players in-game, as soon as the disruptive behavior happens.”

Riot is also improving its systems to allow for the review of live text-based interaction in matches, prohibiting any incorrect text from being submitted in the first place and muting the violating players.

Furthermore, Riot wants to include a pre-made chat channel while in-game, which should give an added degree of security from unwanted and annoying discussions from matchmade players.

Image via Riot Games

The launch of a new honor-based skin line called Three Honors may also encourage more players to be less toxic, as any improper behavior will reduce their honor level and make it more difficult to obtain that new and free skin.

These adjustments come after Riot made a number of additional modifications to League to assist reduce toxic experiences. One improvement implemented by the developers was the opportunity to pick up post-game lobby chat with both teams. This enabled players to avoid needlessly hostile confrontations between toxic teammates and enemies.