Riot Games Cannot Control the Power of Their Creations?

Maybe creating so many champions in such a short time makes controlling the power of champions beyond the control of Riot Games?

There are new-released champions who were just too overpowering.

This reason above leads to a question of this topic: Riot Games Cannot Control the Power of Their Creations?

This is not unreasonable when many champions are showing signs of “excessive” power control. Some even could not return the Summoners’ Rift for a long time.

For example, there were champions who were picked frequently and once dominated League of Legends’ matches like Zed, Cassiopeia, Ryze, Sion, etc., but got nerf badly many times.

Championship Ryze

Riot Games should balance some champions’ power so then they won’t be too overpowering.

However, most of the time when Riot Games nerf a champion, they tend to not return to ranks, pro matches, or even disappeared completely from normal matches.

Riot Games always find their way to reduce the power of items or champions so there is no other choice but to completely submerge the champions completely.

Ryze is the biggest example. He is a champion that could sweep away the whole enemy team under Faker’s control. That was also one of the reasons Riot nerf him hard.

As a result, we rarely see the Call of Power in professional matches.

After Ryze, Aatrox – the Darkin Blade, his mechanic of healing and reviving were so broken that Riot Games decided to remove it mercilessly, making all the players in shock.

Gravelord Aatrox Fanart

Just like that, League of Legends players doesn’t see many other champions as often as they used to anymore.

Perhaps the problem is not that Riot Games don’t want to bring back those champions. They may be afraid of buffing their champions too hard again.

Based on the past years, every time Riot decided to buff someone, they become too powerful; and when they nerf someone, they become too weak.

Full Metal Pantheon

So with a big team of data scientists, game testers, and other research teams, do Riot Games really know how to control their own creations’ power?