Riot Games is changing these Mythic Items in League of Legends

In the near future, these Lethality Mythic items will undergo changes

Lead game creator Axes recently shared an additional round of Quick Gameplay Thoughts on March 6th, continuing Riot Game’s run of constant contact with the League of Legends community.

Duskblade of Draktharr and Prowler’s Claw, two Mythic League of Legends items, will soon undergo adjustments. Lethality items in League of Legends have greatly increased over the past few seasons. To enhance the player experience, the game’s designers have been adjusting and adding new features ever since it launched. To maintain the game’s balance, these items have experienced numerous changes over the past few years.

Images via Riot Games

The inclusion of new items such as Serylda’s Grudge, Serpent’s Fang, The Collector, has given players more choices when creating their item builds. Since the Durability Update in Season 12, the balance of lethality items and the assassin champion pool has been a point of conflict for game devs.

Prowler’s Claw and Duskblade of Draktharr are Mythic lethality items that the devs are thinking about changing in order to enhance the overall gameplay experience.

Image via Riot Games

A number of League of Legends champions have been found to be extremely broken to Prowler’s Claw, which affects the balance of pro play. Duskblade is similarly balanced at the moment by being kept weak but when it is powerful, it disrupts low-skilled counterplay on champions who aren’t even assassins.

“Duskblade is currently fine-ish mostly because we keep it kind of weak. When strong, it tends to break down counterplay on non-assassin champions like Darius and Master Yi for low-skilled play.”

Image via Riot Games

Riot Axes claims that League of Legends developers are currently looking into possible solutions. However, no specific time for putting these Mythic adjustments into effect has been given. The developers’ goal is to address these problems in order to enhance game and offer a more equal playing field for all players.

There are benefits and drawbacks to changing the potency of Mythic items in season 13. On the one hand, making these things less powerful might promote a more varied and well-balanced gameplay experience by requiring champions who prioritize lethality to change their builds and playstyles. However, it might result in a decrease in some champions’ overall damage production, rendering them less useful in the current meta.