Riot Games had “secretly” nerfed Doran’s Blade

A lot of players were extremely shocked when they realized that Overheal does not work with Doran’s Blade!

Doran’s Blade has probably been the most familiar item with LoL players since the first season of the game as it is an effective beginning item for bruisers and marksmen. Since the updates of season 11 came, this item’s 3% of lifesteal has been replaced by 2.5% of Omnivamp. This change has made champions dealing damage mostly with their skills much stronger at the early game.

Kai’sa is apparently the champion that benefits most from that update

However, Doran’s Blade is no longer so perfect when a player realized that this item had a bizarre bug. Particularly, the amount of Omnivamp provided by this item did not work with Overheal in the Precision tree. Meanwhile, this rune still can create a shield when you are healed by Eclipse (also an item providing Omnivamp). (???)

This was actually a shocking news with a lot of players
And there they are…

Let’s see some specifical pictures about this:

When you have Doran’s Blade, no matter what you do, from using skills…
…to auto-attack, you will not receive any shields even when your HP is full
However, with Eclipse, a shield immediately appears (?)

This problem causes a huge difficulty at the early game, when you don’t have any other lifesteal/omnivamp sources. Obviously, this will make players using this rune have loads of disadvantages as they don’t receive any HP or mana like others using Triumph or Presence of Mind. That lost shield will definitely lead to defeats in early fights.

“See you again, Doran’s Blade” – Overheal said.

The only thing we can do now is hoping that Riot Games will fix this bug as soon as possible and the advice for you now is that if you want to buy Doran’s Blade first, avoid using Overheal