Riot Games is criticized for buffing unnecessary champions in patch 10.16

In patch 10.16, many champions who have been very strong at the moment are being buffed by Riot Games that lead to controversy in League of Legends community.

According to Riot’s latest move, Riot Mark Yetter has also revealed the adjustments for the upcoming 10.16. A logic that any player knows when a champion has a high win rate and strongly affects the game meta, they would be nerfed and vice versa. In contrast, version 10.16 brings us to surprise.

The most noticeable in this patch is the buffs for the already strong champions which have a specific position in the meta, thus, this action has made many gamers wondering whether the Riot balance team was thinking.

Particularly, take a look into that nerfed group, it is acceptable for them to get balanced since these champions are both strong in professional tactics and casual games. However, as for the group of buffed champions, everyone is tired of seeing such generals like Yasuo, Fiora, Jax or Akali appear. These champions all rely on player’s skills and have a good win rate (except Akali) in solo queue and there is no reason to buff either.

Akali continued to be buffed after a long period of being nerfed miserably

These changes by Riot Games immediately received a wave of indignation and criticizes from the gaming community:

It’s so annoying how these last couple patches have been buffing unnecessary champs purely for the fact that riot wants them in pro play

Jax and Fiora don’t need buffs they are in a fine spot and win rate shows it. 50 to 51 percent win rate for 3 patches. Literally no one likes playing vs Firoa as a melee.

Jax is also in a balanced spot too. Even if its just a small buff its just not needed… Look at Caitlyn at the moment, was at a 50 percent win rate now she has a 53 percent + win rate and she will be higher next patch because her ” counter ” is getting nerfed

Literally the same thing will happen with these 2 champs being buffed for no reason. It generally feels like riot screws over solo q everytime we are getting close to worlds ):

Akali, Yasuo, Fiora, Jax, Lucian buffs. Why those buffs? Because we’re the worst balance team. By the way, League has a bug of 10 YEARS, the Blue Canon minions has more range than the Red one, good job being the worst RIOT.

I really wish I knew the thinking process behind the Yasuo buff – Here is the secret, dude 😉 (attached with an image of Yasuo’s new skin and euros)