Riot Games ‘accidentally’ makes Aatrox worse by buffing him

The recent buffs to Aatrox in League of Legends, aimed at enhancing the top laner’s performance, have unintentionally led to a critical issue involving his most vital ability, The Darkin Blade.

Riot Games, in its ongoing efforts to maintain a dynamic and engaging gaming environment, frequently introduces patches that can significantly impact the meta and gameplay.

Despite the constant evolution of the game, certain champions can sometimes be overlooked or experience bugs, especially if they aren’t among the player community’s most favored choices.

Image via Riot Games

A notable exception to this is Aatrox, a champion enjoying substantial popularity. However, the recent buff intended to improve Aatrox’s passive, Deathbringer Stance, has inadvertently given rise to a troubling bug.

As demonstrated by League of Legends content creator Vandiril, the change to Aatrox’s passive on the PBE prevents its cancellation, providing a quality-of-life improvement to the ability.

Regrettably, this seemingly positive adjustment has introduced a more significant problem. When Aatrox uses his Q ability immediately following his passive, the Q fails to deal damage on any enemies.

Image via Riot Games

This bug significantly impacts Aatrox’s gameplay, especially considering that his Q is a fundamental source of damage, and it disrupts the fluidity of his combos. Players are now forced to wait for the complete animation of his passive before launching the next attack, resulting in a slower and less effective combat experience.

Image via Riot Games

As of now, this bug is limited to the PBE, suggesting that Riot Games may address and rectify the issue before the changes hit the live servers.